Pre-Purchase Exam

Pre-Purchase Exam

SAVE Money With a Pre-Purchase Exam

Are you planning to obtain a new horse? If so, please contact us to arrange a purchase examination, and our veterinarians will examine your prospective horse before the purchase.

Tryon Equine Mobile offers Full Pre-purchase exams on the farm and at the Troutman Haul-In Facility. Comprehensive physical exam includes full physical exam and lameness exam that can be modified to the buyer’s specifications and needs. This is the buyer’s opportunity to make an informed decision on an equine purchase and to gather as much information as possible. Often radiographs and ultrasounds are performed to further investigate the potential purchase and images can be shared readily with other veterinarians. As part of the thorough exam, our veterinarians can suggest an endoscopic exam and comprehensive blood work to include drug testing as warranted. 

Lameness Exam

Diagnostic Testing


Preventative Care

Have Your Horse Examined Before Purchase

Any veterinarian performing a pre-purchase exam is ethically and legally obligated to work on behalf of the buyer, not the seller. Most Veterinarians have a standard approach to a pre-purchase exam, but depending on a client's interests this can be modified so that any questions or concerns should be thoroughly investigated. This is your chance to make an informed decision by gathering as much information as possible so don't be afraid to ask the person doing the exam what else should be considered. Frequently radiographs and exams are reviewed by the purchaser's Veterinarian at home, and now with digital radiographs this can happen readily.

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